I printed this picture, and knew immediately that I needed to make a layout to give to my dad to hang in his new house in North Carolina. Since he's there by himself during the week, and it's mostly empty right now, I figure that he could use something to remind him of home.
Since I know this has to be framed and mailed, I went with a smaller size than normal - 8"x10". It was actually really cool to work with this size, because although there isn't much space for anything besides a picture and a title, the restriction actually helped me to concentrate on the most important design elements. I didn't want to do any journaling for this anyway.
I think that part of the reason I ended up really loving this layout is that I kept basic design principles in mind, and also because I really do love all the products I used on it. I've been saving those potty people wood veneers for a layout deserving enough, and I just knew it had to be this one! And I'm absolutely loving the papers in the Dear Lizzy 5th and Frolic collection.
I'm going to try and frame and mail this ASAP - I really think it'll make my dad happy!
This is a wonderful gift! I love the wood veneers and hearts.