Friday, April 19, 2013

One way that Dan I just work perfectly together is that I love to cook, but not cleaning after cooking; Dan likes to eat, but can't cook. Okay, so that seems typical for most couples, but unlike most guys, he actually really doesn't mind cleaning! I wouldn't go so far as to say he loves it as much as I love cooking, but he does love having things clean, enough so that he'll clean all the bowls and pots and pans I've used after cooking. He even insists on doing it all before we start eating, so that he doesn't have to worry about it later.

I was listening to this podcast while making this layout, which I feel really helped me to let go of that idea that if paper is only showing a tiny bit behind my photo, I'm wasting it. The truth is, I love the layered look of a million little bits peeking out behind photos, but I could never really achieve it before, because I made my papers stick out so much, because I wanted to see the actual pattern. I really tried my best to let go of that for this layout, and I have to say, it really is the closest I've come so far to succeeding in the effect I want!
Also, if you can see in the detail picture, I attempted to make my own enamel dots with watered down acrylic paint. I just painted dots of various sizes on wax paper and let it dry. It didn't come out quite as dimensional as I had wanted, but it still adds a little detail to my page. I'll probably have to try a different formula or something if I do that again.

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