Thursday, August 15, 2013

Hello there! I hope everyone is having a great week. The weather here has been absolutely wonderful, and I've really been enjoying that!

Today's challenge word over at the Use Your Words blog is "believe." I had trouble thinking of something to do for this layout at first, so I just went on Pinterest and looked up some quotes. I found one that I absolutely loved, and decided to use it as my title: "Believe with all your heart that you will do what you were made to do." It was such a fitting quote for what I've been reflecting on lately - that no matter how bad I want something, or even if I plan out my future, things might not always go the way I want. And that's okay. Because really, things that people think are best for themselves don't always turn out that way. I just have to trust in God and believe that His plan for me will work out in the end. It's something that I have to remind myself constantly.

So with that, I had in mind my title and journaling, but since this is a very reflective/story-based layout, I didn't have a specific photo from an event to use. I just chose one I had of me on hand that I hadn't scrapped yet and used it.

In the end, my layout turned out to be very simple. But I was still happy with it, because it is more meaningful to me than others that might look prettier. That's the thing I love about these challenges - they really push you to think about what to scrap, and I was able to make a layout out of something that is really important to me and my life, but that might have gone undocumented otherwise!

I hope this inspires you to create a layout that is truly meaningful to you! If you play along with the challenge, make sure to link up over at the UYW blog - I'd love to see what you make!!

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  1. Your title work is stunning! I like your blog description on the process of the page!


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